
Goto @BotFather and send /newbot command and follow the instructions that follow.

  1.  Copy your bot's username.
  2. Goto Channel Info > Manage > Administrators > Add Administrator.
  3. Paste the copied bot username in the search box.
  4. Select your bot from search results.
  5. Set desired permission (or leave as defaults)

That's it 🙂

Post to Telegram

Yes, you can send posts to private channel or group. To be able to do that you need to use the channel or group ID instead of username.

To get the ID of a private channel or group, you need to talk to @MyChatInfoBot on Telegram.

  • For Groups, please add @MyChatInfoBot to the group
  • For Channels, please forward a message to @MyChatInfoBot from the channel

Private Notifications

To receive WooCommerce notifications, use the same email in Private Notifications settings that you use in WooCommerce Email settings.

You need to enable User Notifications in Private Notifications and ask your customers to connect their Telegram account using WP Telegram Login plugin.

To receive CF 7 notifications, use the same email in Private Notifications settings that you use in CF 7 Email settings.

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