We launched WP Telegram Pro v1 in July last year. Since then we have received quite a bit of positive response from the users. We would like to thank all of our users for using WP Telegram Pro.
Lately, we have been working on improving the development of WP Telegram group of plugins. You might have noticed a significant change/improvement in the UI of all our plugins. For WP Telegram (free version), we released v3.0 last month which revamped the whole admin UI and added better support for block and classic post editors. It also included the improvements in PHP code to make it easy to maintain and add more features. The same improvement has been going on in WP Telegram Pro. 🎉
With v1.4, we are switching to PHP namespaces and improving the UI quite a bit to make it easy to main and we will be adding lots of features in the upcoming updates.
What is special in v1.4.0?
- Advanced custom rules: We have added support for custom rules for Post to Telegram. 🎉

- Audio and Document in Additional Media groups: Telegram has recently added support for adding audio and document types in media groups, so we added that support. 🥳
- Advanced Instant Posts: Instant posts that you can send to Telegram with the click of a button on the post list page has been revamped and now there are all the advanced options available as in the override settings for block editor. So, you can now even delay the posts, customize the Message template and add media files if you want. 😍

There are many other small features and improvements that you can see in version 1.4.
Not upgraded yet? We are happy to offer extra an 5% OFF coupon apart from the existing 10%. 🎉
It’s a good chance to upgrade because we are going to increase the price very soon.
Coupon (extra 5% off) 👉👉 5MAKESIT15